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Launch of Ammoniac reagent

Ref. 12532 and 21532 We are glad to inform you that we launch a new reagent for measurement of Ammonia (NH3) in plasma (heparin or EDTA), from human and veterinary samples. Ammonia is a toxic product derived from the metabolism of proteins, which involves different organs and especially the liver, where the urea cycle is carried out, necessary for its elimination through the urine. The determination of ammonium concentration in blood, is a useful diagnostic tool to assess the ability of the body to metabolize this compound and to detect the existence of any pathology or syndrome that could alter its cycle of degradation. The ammonium test developed by BioSystems has been designed to measure the levels of this compound in plasma samples from patients with suspected hyperammonemia, either by an increase in ammonia production due to causes that affect its elimination through normal pathways, drug intoxication or metabolic congenital diseases. In order to do the calibration, it’s recommended to use AMMONIA/ETHANOL/CO2 Calibrator (code 18065). The calibrator is ready for use (2x5mL). To verify the measure procedures, it’s recommended to use AMMONIA/ETHANOL/CO2 Control level I (code 18063, 3x5 mL) and level II (codes 18064, 3x5 mL), also ready to use.


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