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Accredited Prevecal program

Accredited Prevecal program
ISO/IEC 17043:2010
We are pleased to inform you that the Spanish National Accreditation Body (ENAC) has granted the External Quality Control Scheme PREVECAL Bovine and Human the accreditation by ISO 17043: 2010 on the 26th of April 2019. ENAC is integrated into the global accreditation infrastructure. This global infrastructure operates through two organizations, the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) and the International Accreditation Forum (IAF), which in turn rely on regional organizations (America, Asia / Pacific, etc.). In Europe, the regional organization is European Accreditation (EA) to which ENAC belongs since its foundation more than 20 years ago. The decisions of these organizations determine the criteria that must be applied by ENAC as well as other equivalent organizations in other countries. Within these organizations, international agreements have been established based on the mutual recognition of certificates and reports issued byaccredited entities that facilitate trade and create an environment that facilitates the achievement of the final objective: "accredited once, accepted everywhere". ENAC is a signatory of all the international agreements of EA, ILAC and IAF. Therefore the accreditation of PREVECAL program of BioSystems S.A. is acknowledged by the rest of the signatories worldwide. Congratulations to all participants in the program!


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